Monday, May 24, 2010

Final Post From the States

Tuition paid... check;  clothes, shoes, computer, camera, chargers, books, meds, harmonica.... check;  passport... double check. 

This is what goes through my head on an hourly basis throughout the days leading up to my departure.  Do I have everything I need?  Do I have too much of everything I "need"?  Am I packing something that will accidentally get me flagged by airport security?  Ah yes, the neuroses of  an international adventure!  

Sad to say that I was unable to fit everything into carry on sized luggage.  So I will be checking one small roller bag filled with my non-essentials (in case I arrive and the bag doesn't).  I'm sure you were all very worried about this so there you have it, my bag situation is finalized.  

I am happy to say that my tuition is fully paid for as of today.  Now I wont get to Spain to find out I am to be a mere tourist for two months!  For those of you who have never had to deal with a large financial payment from your University Financial Aid Office... I envy you.  They made me earn my money that is for sure!  

I find my self counting down to my departure by "lasts" rather than time.  This will be the last weekend at home for two months; This will be the last time I drive a car for two months... stuff like that.  I know it seems a little dramatic but this is my blog not yours :).   So there we have it, my last blog about my trip from this side of the Atlantic. 

Friday, May 7, 2010

What a deal!

   After reviewing my itinerary for this trip, I've come to realize that I'm getting a lot more for my money than I had originally thought. 

Original Plan:  I had planned on getting to Spain and getting settled.  I would asses my course load and begin planning.  I would love to see as much as possible in the time that I have.  Things on my list: Pamplona (With Stephanie and Lil) Valencia, Madrid, San Sebastian, and if time allowed a multi night trip to Morocco.  Very doable in my opinion given the two months I will be there.

My Discovery:  After getting the itinerary I found out that there are many included excursions including: Over night trips to Madrid and San Sebastian, many museum trips, and a mini cruse that just so happens to be on my birthday. 

NEW PLAN!  I will take the time between my first and second sessions to see both Valencia and Morocco at the same time.  Given the extra time this break offers me and the extra money I am "saving" by having already paid to see the other cities with my tuition, there shouldn't be much in my way of being able to check everything off of this list. 

Europe and Africa here I come!!!